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Premium American-Native English Business Coaching  finally arrived to Odessa Ukraine



+380 66 550 54 09

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Odessa, Ukraine.

    Contact Information Form

    I, Lucas Cavazos, have dedicated myself to seeing the quality of service of the people who come to me improve. This has been my passion for many years. Now, it is all I do.

    If you are looking for one of the best sales coaches in the word, then you are in the right place.

    If how to learn American English speaking is something that you would love to do, then you are in the right place.

    How do I get you to become good at your craft, by showing you there are ways in which you can improve your craft. The first of these skills is communication. Get in touch with me and see how communication should be done, and how you can implement what you learn into your own business.

    This website is built on my name. This is because I greatly value every person that has taken their time to contact me. For this reason, there are no automated replies to keep you hanging on the line. Instead, every reply that is sent out, is a reply that I have taken the time to craft and polish.


    As a digital marketer and one of the top sales coaches in the world, I understand the power of the words that I use. I understand the power of personalizing each and every message that I send out. I understand that you would rather connect with me directly, instead of chatbots or even assistants.


    If you have any sort of question about the services I can offer, then by all means, simply fill in the contact form and I, personally, will get back to you.

    If you are having trouble formulating your query, here is a recap of the services I offer

    Sales Coaching

    Sales is not something that you have to do because it’s the best thing for your business. You do it because it is the only thing that will get your business on its feet, and keep you growing.

    It is, however, very common to find that many businesspeople in Ukraine end up spending a lot of money without realizing any tangible benefits from all their effort. If this is you, then you have no option but to fill up this contact form and let me become your personal sales coach.

    Digital Marketing.

    The internet has been with us for more than 30 years now, but we have yet to truly realize its potential. Digital marketing is not just about getting recognized by a few people on social media. It’s about connecting with them in a way that no other company ever has.

    Digital marketing is the key to growing your brand in this new decade. Would you like to know more about how I can be of help to you? Simply fill up the form and I will personally get back to you.

    English Coaching For Non-Native Speakers.

    This is a controversial opinion, but one that definitely holds true. English has become the de facto language of business all across the globe. The world is made up of different cultures who speak different languages. If you want to do business with them, then the only way to do it is to improve your English skills.

    Combine your improved English, Digital Marketing and Sales that is working great and you have a recipe to conquer the world.